2024 Washington-Baltimore MSDG Young Investigator Travel Award Recipients

Congratulations to the following recipients of the WBMSDG Young Investigator Travel Awards traveling to ASMS:

Melissa Leyden, University of Virginia (Advisor: Don F. Hunt), 1st place: “Characterization of Insect Sperm Nuclear Basic Proteins by Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry”

Juliet Obi, University of Maryland Baltimore (Advisor: Daniel Deredge), 2nd place: “A Structural and Dynamic Basis for the Interactions of the Dengue Nonstructural (NS5) Protein with Stem Loop A (SLA)”

Bay Xu, Johns Hopkins University (Advisor: Hui Zhang), 3rd place: “SPOT: Spatial Proteomics through On-site Tissue-protein-labeling”

May Meeting

Speaker: Hui Zhang, Johns Hopkins University

Topic: Glycoproteomics: methods and applications in clinical proteomics

Date: May 20, 2024

Time: 6:15 pm Dinner, 7:15 pm Presentation

Location: Shimadzu Scientific Instrument, Inc. Training Center 7100 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD 21046 (Directions)

Dinner: Please RSVP to Jonathan Ferguson (jonathan.ferguson33@gmail.com) by Friday, May 17 if you will be attending the dinner.

Abstract: The integration of proteomic technologies into clinical practice indeed holds significant promise for revolutionizing disease diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. By delving into the intricate world of proteins and their modifications, particularly protein glycosylation, researchers aim to unravel the complexities underlying various diseases.
Glycoproteomics, a specialized field within proteomics and glycomics, focuses on the comprehensive characterization of glycoproteins. In recent years, mass spectrometry-based technologies have emerged as the cornerstone of advancements in glycoproteomics. One of the main challenges in glycoproteomics lies in the heterogeneity of glycosylation of glycoproteins, including variations in glycan types, sites of glycosylation, and the specific glycans attached to each glycosylation site. To overcome these challenges, we have developed various methodologies in glycoprotein glycopeptide enrichment, liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and software tools, for precise site-specific glycan assignments.
The developed glycoproteomic techniques offer unprecedented opportunities to investigate the interplay between genomic, environmental factors, and protein modifications. By employing these advanced technologies to investigate tumors, we have gained invaluable insights into cancer biology, particularly pertaining to protein modifications such as glycosylation.
In summary, the integration of glycoproteomic approaches into biomedical research has the potential to significantly advance our understanding of cancer and pave the way for more personalized and effective clinical interventions.
lightning talk
Ying Hao, Ph.D. (NIH/NIA/IRP)

2024 Young Investigator Travel Awards and Georges Guiochon Student Award

The Washington-Baltimore Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group (WBMSDG) is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 2024 Young Investigator Travel Awards and Georges Guiochon Student Award. Awards will be granted to outstanding young investigators at the undergraduate or graduate student level to support travel to the 72nd ASMS Conference and HPLC 2024, respectively. Undergraduate and graduate students in laboratories and institutions traditionally associated with the WBMSDG and the former Washington Chromatography Discussion Group in the following geographic regions are encouraged to apply: from Richmond and Charlottesville, VA to the South and Newark, DE to the North.

Three Young Investigator Travel Awards will be given. 1st place: $1000, 2nd place: $750, 3rd place: $500.
Two Georges Guiochon Student Awards will be given. 1st place: $1000, 2nd place: honorable certificate.

Complete applications for either award consist of the following items:
1. 2024 application form for Young Investigator Travel Award or Georges Guiochon Student Award (includes a checklist)
2. Electronic copy of ASMS/HPLC abstract
3. Evidence of abstract acceptance indicating the presentation format (poster or oral)
4. Curriculum Vitae or Resume
5. Two-page summary of research project (figures can be included)
6. Letter of recommendation from advisor

Applicants should submit items 1-5 listed above as a single PDF file to Dr. Andy Qi. Item 6 must be sent directly by the applicant’s advisor to Dr. Andy Qi:

Andy Qi, PhD
WBMSDG co-chair

The deadline for all applications is 5 PM EST on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024. A panel of WBMSDG members will act as reviewers. Please note, previous winners are encouraged to apply if the award application for the upcoming ASMS/HPLC conference significantly differs from the previously successful application. In the event that the conference is cancelled, awards will be given out as well as prize amounts up to the full award to cover any incurred costs associated with travel. Successful applicants to both awards will be expected to give a 10-minute oral presentation at the post-ASMS WBMSDG meeting on June 12th, 2024, at Shimadzu Scientific in Columbia, MD.

April Meeting

Speaker: Fabio P. Gomes, Virginia Commonwealth University

Topic: Native Top-Down Characterization of Proteins and their Complexes in Breast Cancer Cells

Date: April 15, 2024

Time: 6:15 pm Dinner, 7:15 pm Presentation

Location: Shimadzu Scientific Instrument, Inc. Training Center 7100 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD 21046 (Directions)

Dinner: Please RSVP to Jonathan Ferguson (jonathan.ferguson33@gmail.com) by Friday, April 12 if you will be attending the dinner.

Abstract: Oligomerization of proteins and their modified forms (proteoforms) produces functional protein complexes. Complexoforms are complexes that consist of the same set of proteins with different proteoforms. The ability to characterize these assemblies within cells is critical to understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in disease and to designing effective drugs. An outstanding biological question is how proteoforms drive function and oligomerization of complexoforms. However, tools to define endogenous proteoform-proteoform/ligand interactions are scarce. I will present a native top-down proteomics (nTDP) strategy that combines size-exclusion chromatography, nano direct infusion, field asymmetric ion mobility spectrometry, and multistage mass spectrometry to identify protein assemblies (≤70 kDa) in breast cancer cells and in cells that overexpress EGFR, which serves as a resistance model of estrogen receptor-α (ER-α) targeted therapies. This nTDP approach was able to identify ~104 complexoforms from 17 protein complexes, which revealed several molecular features of the breast cancer proteome, including EGFR-induced dissociation of nuclear transport factor 2 (NUTF2) assemblies that modulate ER activity. We found that the K4 and K55 posttranslational modification sites discovered with nTDP differentially impact the effects of NUTF2 on the inhibition of the ER signaling pathway.
lightning talks
Bay Xu, PhD (JHU)
Doeun Kim, PhD (NIAID/NIH)