Tag Archives: Meetings
January 26, 2009 WBMSDG Meeting
Speaker: Dr. Xudong Yao, Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Topic: Fragment Ion Mass Defect Labeling (FIMDL) of Peptides for Proteome Analysis
Abstract: Fragment ion mass defect labeling (FIMDL) together with averagine-scaling analysis promises important impact on mass spectrometry-based proteomics. This strategy effectively uses the broad and unoccupied mass spaces in the low m/z region of mass spectra for interference-free peptide analysis and fast data complexity reduction. Located in these unoccupied zones, small peptide fragments with FIMDL groups are generated by combining solution modification with gas-phase reaction. Various iodine- and other halogen-containing reagents are surveyed as FIMDL reagents. Modified peptides show three different classes of gas-phase fragmentation characteristics, as revealed by tandem and energy-resolved mass spectrometry. Distinct potential applications of different modifications in advanced proteome analysis will also be discussed.
Time: 7:30 pm
Dinner: Please join Miquel Antoine and the speaker for dinner at the Ram’s Head Tavern at Savage Mill, 8600 Foundry Street, Savage, MD 20763 at 5:30 pm. Contact Miquel at Miquel.Antoine@jhuapl.edu and let her know you will be there.
Location: Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc. Training Center, 7100 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD 21046.
Directions: Shimadzu Scientific Instruments