2023 Washington-Baltimore MSDG Young Investigator Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to the following recipients of the WBMSDG Young Investigator Travel Awards
Bowen Shen, University of Maryland (Advisor: Peter Nemes), 1st place: “Electrophoresis-Correlative Mass Spectrometry Enables Ultrasensitive Proteomics”
Ashley Frankenfield, George Washington University (Advisor: Ling Hao), 2nd place: “Deep Proteome Turnover in human iPSC-derived Neurons”
Delaney Rutherford, National Institute on Aging (Advisor: Nathan Basisty), 3rd place: “Mass Spectrometry Analysis with Cellular Thermal Shift Assay to Assess Senolytic Pathways in Senescent Monocytes”