September 2021 Meeting and Vendor Night

Speaker: Matthew S. Glover, AstraZeneca

Topic: Development of ion mobility-mass spectrometry methods for improved identification of microbiome-derived metabolites

Date: Monday, September 20, 2021

Time: 6:00 pm Dinner (outdoors) and Vendor Night, 7:15 pm Presentation

Location: Shimadzu Scientific Instrument, Inc. Training Center 7100 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD 21046 (Directions)
This will be an in-person meeting. Attendees are required to show a vaccine card (either at the door or in advance using the web form) and to wear a mask.

Dinner: Please RSVP to Dapeng Chen ( by Friday, September 17th if you will be attending the dinner.

Abstract: Increasing evidence suggests the human microbiome influences numerous biological processes and perturbation of the microbiome is associated with a variety of diseases. The microbiome influences host health through generation and modification of metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids, bile acids, and tryptophan catabolites. To unravel the role of the microbiome in health and disease, there is a need for high-throughput analytical techniques capable of identifying and quantifying microbiome-derived metabolites in complex biological samples such as plasma and feces. Implementing ion mobility (IM) techniques into traditional LC-MS/MS workflows has emerged as a promising strategy for improving metabolomic workflows due to the orthogonality of IM separations and utility of collision cross section (CCS) measurements for improving identifications of biomolecules in complex mixtures. Here, I will describe the development and optimization of LC-IM-MS methods and accompanying CCS databases for improved characterization of microbiome-derived metabolites in support of microbiome research.