3rd Annual North American Mass Spectrometry Summer School

June 15 – 18, Madison, WI

Join us for our third annual mass spectrometry summer school. We are proud to have assembled over a dozen world leading experts in mass spectrometry for this four-day course. Our goal is to provide our students, both from academia and industry, an engaging and inspiring program covering the latest in the application of mass spectrometry to omic analyses. Tutorial lectures range from mass analyzers to the basics of data analysis. Also planned are several hands-on workshops – aimed at both scientific and professional development. This program is made possible by generous funding from the National Science Foundation (Integrated Organismal Systems, Plant Genome Research Program, Grant No. 1546742) and the National Institutes of Health National Center for Quantitative Biology of Complex Systems (P41 GM108538). As such, there is no cost to participate.

Registration open through March 1, 2020: https://www.ncqbcs.com/resources/training/summer-school.

Tutorial Lectures:
Mass analyzers
Tandem MS
Data acquisition
Experimental design
Top-down/Native MS

Hands-on Workshops:
Mass analyzers
Spectral interpretation
Publishing and reviewing
Science writing
Science illustrations

To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/mass-spec-summer-school/af93b8ab-3103-4d5e-ac46-7751925ebaf6%40googlegroups.com.