March 2017 Meeting

Speaker: Robert N. Cole, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Topic: Adventures of Capillary Electrophoresis in Proteomics, from Top-down to Bottom-up

Date: Monday, March 27, 2017

Time: 6:15 pm Dinner, 7:15 pm: Presentation

Location: Shimadzu Scientific Instrument, Inc. Training Center 7100 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD 21046 (Directions)

Dinner: Please RSVP to Katherine Fiedler ( before February 27 if you will be attending the dinner or are a presenting as a vendor.

Abstract: Capillary zone electrophoresis (CE)-MS has become more accessible with robust electrospray interfaces, presenting a potential alternative to LC-MS. CE achieves rapid and high resolution analyte separation based on net charge and hydrodynamic volume. CE is orthogonal to reversed phase LC with additional benefits of low carryover, low (nanogram) sample injection, and rapid sample loading. CE-MS analysis of complex peptide mixtures is challenging due to the seconds-wide elution peaks produced during the rapid separations. However, increases in MS data acquisition speeds warrant re-examination of the role of CE in proteomics. We are evaluating a microfluidic chip-based CE interface (ZipChip, 908 Devices Inc) for top-down analysis of intact proteins, analysis of high charge/high pI peptides, and bottom-up quantification of proteins. Even with major challenges of sample concentration, protein complexity and automation, CEMS has a bright future in protein analysis.