37th East Coast Ion Chemistry Conference

Date: October 1, 2016

The 37th East Coast Ion Chemistry Conference, ECICC, will be held on Saturday, October 1 in 219 Brown Lab at the University of Delaware. You and your co-workers are invited to attend. There will be light refreshments and opportunities for discussion and conversations.

Talks have been given at past meetings on instrumentation (MALDI, TOF, ICR, ESI, GC/MS, API, PIAMS), ion molecule reactions, calculations, and chemical analyses. Attendance in recent years has been 30 – 40 and the presentations have lasted from ~ 9 am until shortly after noon.

Please let us know if you want to give a TEN (10) minute talk on one aspect of your research – not a survey of work done in the last year. We encourage presentations by graduate and undergraduate students. There is no charge to attend the meeting or to give presentations.

We would appreciate a response by the middle of September. All we need is your name, affiliation, and (if you are giving a presentation) the title of your talk. No abstract is required. Titles will be accepted through noon on Thursday, September 28. The meeting is informal, but the program looks better if there are titles for the talks.

We hope that you will be able to attend and present some of your work. The mailing list is much-reduced from previous years. Please forward this invitation to others at your institution whose names are not on our email list.

A parking map for the University of Delaware is here. There is a large (pay, unfortunately) parking garage on Academy Street, near Brown Lab.

Please respond to bmunson@udel.edu.

Murray Johnston, Burnaby Munson, Doug Ridge, Papa-Nii Asari-Okai